Legal Notice

Data of the holder

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identifying data of the company are presented below.

Celipalex Médicos S.L.P.

CIF: B 762262724

Address: Av. Italia 13, Bajo. Gate 5

Playa del Ingles, Las Palmas

Telephone: 928 358205


Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, volume XXX, page XXX, inscription XX with page XXXXX.

Site Content

The website, hereinafter “the site”, is intended to promote the services of the company Celipalex Médicos S.L.P., hereinafter “the owner”. The site contains information on health, medical, hospital, current affairs or other topics that the owner may consider of interest.

The owner reserves the right to make changes to the site without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete the contents or its design. Since the updating of the information is not immediate, we suggest that you always check the validity and accuracy of the information contained on the site.

Industrial and intellectual property rights

The design, content and source codes of the site, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear on it, belong to the owner and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights, therefore their use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is totally prohibited unless there is express written authorization from the owner.

The owner may freely use any idea, concept, knowledge or technique that appears in any communication sent by the user to the site, for any purpose.

use of the site

A user of the site is defined as anyone who accesses and uses its content. As soon as said access is exercised, the user of the site expressly accepts, totally and without reservations, the present general conditions, the particular ones that complement, modify, substitute or eliminate the first ones, as well as the specific ones established in relation to the services and contents of the site, committing, consequently, to act in accordance with all the aforementioned conditions.

The user undertakes to use the site fulfilling the obligation assumed in this legal notice, as well as in accordance with current legislation, generally accepted uses and presumable good faith between the parties. As a consequence of the foregoing, the use of the site for illegal purposes, either against the owner or against any third party, or that could offend the sensitivity and/or cause patrimonial or moral damages as a result of such use, is expressly prohibited.

It is expressly prohibited to use this site for defamatory, obscene, pornographic, intimidating, threatening purposes or of any nature that incites conduct that could be considered criminal offences.

Privacy Policy

1. Collection and use of information

For the purposes of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (Spain), we inform you that the data collected in the Portal forms, your connection time or other data that you provide us at any time throughout the relationship that it maintains with the owner will be included in a personal data file whose responsibility is the owner and whose purpose is a correct provision of the service and control of its users, as well as allowing the sending of messages of an informative or advertising nature of the products and services of the Holder. In particular, your email may be used by the Holder for the periodic sending of informative or commercial “newsletters”.

By providing us with your personal data on the Portal, you are expressing your acceptance of the processing and communication of your personal data in the manner contemplated in this Policy on the Processing of Personal Data. If you prefer that the owner does not collect personal information about you, please let us know.

The owner may use the personal information that he provides us in a dissociated way (without personal identification) for internal purposes, such as the preparation of statistics. Thus, the owner may collect, store or accumulate certain non-personal information regarding your use of the website, such as information that indicates which of our pages are most popular.

The owner may reveal any information, including personal data, that he deems necessary to comply with legal obligations.

2. Cookies and log files

The owner may place a “cookie” on the hard drive of your computer in order to recognize you as a recurring user and personalize your use of the website. The cookie will be stored on your computer’s hard drive until you delete it. You can make your browser notify you of the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If you reject cookies, you can continue using the website, although this may limit the use of some of the features or prevent the proper functioning of the website.

Cookies policy

3. Third parties

The owner may hire third parties to perform functions on his behalf in relation to the purposes for which his personal data may be collected, such as analyzing the information provided, hosting websites or providing integrated logistics services. Said third parties may have access to the personal information necessary for the performance of their functions, although they may not use said information for any other purpose and we will regulate our relations with such third parties in the manner required by the applicable regulations on data protection of personal character.

4. Links

The site may contain links to or from other websites. You should know that the owner is not responsible for the practices that, in terms of personal data processing, are followed by other websites. This Policy on the Treatment of Personal Data is applicable only to the information we collect on the site. We advise you to read the personal data processing policies of other websites that you link to or from our site or otherwise visit.

In general, the link of web pages or email addresses to the site is authorized, except in those cases in which the owner expressly states otherwise. Additionally, and in any case to understand this general authorization applicable, said links must necessarily respect the following condition: the establishment of the link will not imply, by itself, any type of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of the owner of the linking page.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time the owner may withdraw the authorization mentioned in the previous paragraph, without the need to allege any cause. In this case, the page that has made the link must proceed to its immediate deletion, as soon as it receives the notification of the revocation of the authorization by the owner.

5. Notification of changes

This Policy on the Treatment of Personal Data may be modified by the owner at any time and will be understood to be in force from that moment. In such case, the revised policy will be posted on the site. The date is specified at the beginning of this legal notice.


The advertising of the company or of other advertisers that we consider may be of interest to the user will be inserted on the site. The owner does not provide user information to advertisers, except for statistical data or on the use of the site, in order to improve the service and offer products in accordance with user expectations. However, the owner informs you that advertisers and providers, through cookies, may have the possibility of obtaining information about the user, the uses he makes of the services and his movements through the network. Because it is not linked to the uses that the advertising company may make of said information, the owner is not responsible for the collection of information by said companies.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

The owner is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious programs in the contents. , despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The relationship between the owner and the user will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any controversy will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Las Palmas.


Your comments regarding these terms and conditions are important to us. If you have any questions or comments about them or about the operation of the site, please contact us at